Feb 2, 2009

What is the site Smartbarre?

Through this site you can earn money by simply surfing the net! How? It's very simple! simply use our surf bar.

It is quiet, takes place anywhere on the screen, requires no installation
and you earn points every time an ad appears.

But that's not all! Our sponsorship at three levels earns you more money.
The more you have godchildren more points you get.

Every month your points are converted into euros and € 15 you can receive your winnings directly to your PayPal account or by bank transfer.

N feel more and try our Surf Bar!

Sign up
Welcome to SmartBarre.com

You are and advertisers want to know your site at very competitive prices and a very simple way?
You are in the right place:

Our campaigns on the display can display a banner on the surf bar for at least 30 seconds.

Campaigns at the click you are visiting your site for at least 30 seconds per click.

Banners can be in GIF, PNG, JPEG and Flash and you can always "uploader" another banner.

Statistics let you track the progress of your campaign.

From cutlery and more advertising on SmartBarre!

What is the site Smartbarre?
Smartbarre is a site that lets you earn money by displaying advertising on your screen while you surf. Using the small smartbarre (surf bar or viewer) to display the banners as well as small news or links. It can also earn money by visiting sites, clicking on ads in the "Paid Clicks". Sponsoring, with raffles and competitions to be held each month, and thanks to games ... Participation is free, you do not send money to receive. Simply register and display, and you'll earn SmartPoint or SP which will be converted at the beginning of each month depending on the conversion rate.

How much will I earn with smartbarre?
Your earnings depend on your activity on the site and the number of your godchildren, and can be important, participation in Smartbarre can not be regarded as a source of income in its own right, the conversion rate is subject to fluctuations in advertising revenue it can be scaled up or down each month.

Which countries are covered by the program Smartbarre?
Registration is open to all nationalities would be preferable that the members can understand French.

Can I play if I am a minor?
Yes, with the prior consent of their parents or other responsible person.

Is it possible to cheat to win more?
We programmed the site to avoid cheating, but we can not think of any. Any attempt to cheat is prohibited. In order not to harm other users honest smarbarre.com, the cheaters will be destroyed, lost earnings and godchildren.

Where do the funds distributed?
The ads you display just governed platforms affiliation. These governed Smartbarre pay, and we reversons 50% of the gains made thus. Audiotel codes used for bonus games are included in earnings redistributed.

Forgot your password?
On the navigation menu click connection, and then on "Lost Password". Your password will be sent automatically to the address inserted.

Install smartbarre?
You can download the zip file containing the version to install the executable and click on "Download Bar" menu member. You'll need software to decompress the archive (winzip or winrar). Versions of Windows XP already have a decompression tool integrated zip file. Run setup.exe which will guide you through every step of the installation. You can also run directly smartbarre.exe.

The options in the surf bar
A new development in bars surfing, SmartBarre is much smaller in size than all its competitors and consumes far less system resources, it requires no other download file (dll, framework etc.) For its operation. You can adjust the opacity and position of the bar in order not to hinder your work space, a vertical progress bar shows you the time you have left before the next banner. For the "right-click" your mouse over the menu you will have access to some features including access to the site, the forum and the opportunity to see your points in real time. Windows 98, 2000, XP, VISTA, the bar will be updated regularly. Another big thank you to the developer!

Verification code
This is to limit the cheating on the bar, we have established a code system for checking attendance. You must copy the codes in a field provided. ! Warning after 5 wrong codes or not validated in time (1 minute), your account is suspended for the day. If it turns out that the frequent suspensions became a member Smartbarre, his account would be permanently deleted.

How close smartbarre?
Click on the cross at the top right of the bar, you can also choose to disconnect using the menu.

Uninstall the bar
Close smartbarre, go to Start => Settings => Control Panel => Add Remove Programs, choose from the list "barredesurf. once selected, click "uninstall" option "remove the application from this computer" then "ok". the smartbarre is completely uninstalled from your computer.

You do not receive the confirmation mail?
If you do not receive the email within 5 minutes after you register, you can ask by clicking on "connecting" then "activation problem"? another confirmation request will then be made. if it does not, then you can use the "contact" site. Notice to users of hotmail account: check in your spam box or "unwanted mail".

How sponsorship can it bring?
What part of the points we perceive our godchildren? You gain more points, 25% of your godchildren Level 1 (direct godchildren), 10% of your godchildren Level 2 and 10% of your level 3 godchildren. If your friend wins 1 SP (SmartPoint), you earn 0.25 SP for example.

My godchildren me how they relate points?
You earn points on all your earnings godchildren, except on its own gains sponsorship as well as its potential benefits of a VIP status, in general, gains sponsorship of all Members are not redistributed gain sponsorship for a second time.

Should I be running to win the points of my godchildren?
Not required, but it would increase your earnings at the end of the month.

Where can I see the points earned by my godchildren?
In the "Members" click on "Statistics", the gains of your godchildren and yours are regularly updated;

points of my godchildren are not added?
The update of the sponsorship is only for each session your filleuils bar. This means that the next time your friend opens the helm, your sponsorship for this godson will be added.

How do I contact my godchildren?
A messaging system is established and you can contact your godchildren direct (level 1) to try to motivate them. You can also contact your Sponsor. Only members who have agreed to receive messages could be contacted.

Where can I apply for a payment?
Once you've reached the minimum payment, you can place your order by clicking on "payment" in the "members". - Request payment paypal - Request for payment by bank transfer! Important: You must have filled the fields corresponding to your payment. The BIC and IBAN details are not a risk to the bank account because they can only be used to receive transfers.

What happens to my winnings if I did not meet the minimum?
If at the end of each month, you have not yet reached the minimum, the gains will be deferred to the next month. You never lose your winnings.

What are the payment methods available?
To obtain payment for your winnings, several ways are proposed: - Bank Transfer (For France in the first instance) - Paypal (No charge for simple accounts) - Codes (TBA) - Advertising on Smartbarre.com - Various gifts (TBA) - French bank check only (TBA)

Can I request an elective?

May I know how my order?
You can track your order to "pay" site. Are given the date of the order, the type of command and status.

What are the payment deadlines?
Payment periods are eighty-six days for any type of order.

How I have sent my winnings?
You can choose to use your earnings to buy advertising on the site smartbarre.com In this case, you will be contacted directly by email.

What information are requested to apply for a payment?
For payment via Payal: Your name Your email paypal to a bank transfer: Your name Your BIC and IBAN on your bank account identification code BIC and IBAN to identify the international level, respectively, a financial institution and a bank account.

Do I have to report earnings that I touch?
Every participant wins a lot of gains or undertakes to pay any tax, tax, social contribution or any other rights that might be due under the law of the country where they reside.

I ordered a campaign by mistake, how can I cancel my application?
If this happens, it will send a request to the contact section of the site. Commands codes audiotel are not cancellable or refundable.
VIP status

Statutes VIP (TBA)
- SilverSmart - GoldSmart - DiamonSmart - RoyalSmart
Purchase Smartbarre.com

Buy godchildren?
A supply of godsons without a sponsor, click on "Buying a godson" in the "members". A friend may be obtained in several ways: - a call allopass audiotel type B - 2 euro paypal - SmartCode 1 (coming soon)

Buy campaigns
Go to the advertisers section of the navigation bar of the site and follow the steps. You'll have to choose the type of campaigns. Manage your campaigns can be done through "campaigns" in your member area.
You do not want to be a member

How to "unsubscribe"?
On the navigation menu click on contact, do not forget to provide your email id and your membership, then simply fill in the fields under the title "delete my account" and validate.


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